A better title would be the acts or the workings of the holy spirit, because he is the real main character of the book. The gospel of luke and the book of acts form a single, twovolume work. Fifty days after the resurrection of jesus christ from death and the grave, and ten days after he ascended up into heaven, a great event took place, the equal of which the world has not witnessed since. Verse 1 demonstrates clearly that the unnamed author of acts is the same person as the unnamed author of the third gospel luke 1. The book of acts course a, lesson 1 free bible study. Acts chapter 2 commentary northwest college of the bible. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. The idea of being drunk in the spirit has no foundation in scripture. The pentecostal experience a study in acts 2 related media fifty days after the resurrection of jesus christ from death and the grave, and ten days after he ascended up into heaven, a great event took place, the equal of which the world has not witnessed since.
Concise presentation notes by charles dailey black underlined words match words in the bible text. The book of acts provides a bridge for the writings of the nt. Pentecost means fiftieth and refers to the feast of weeks exodus 34. Some have suggested the book should be called the acts of the spirit, and truly every book of scripture could bear that title. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young people shall see visions, your old people dream dreams. The geographical centre of the first part is jerusalem, of the second antioch, where the first great assembly of converted heathens was formed. Acts chapter 2 online bible study tools and resources. When the day of pentecost was fully come the feast of pentecost was celebrated fifty days after the passover, and has its name. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that introduction.
Acts 2 new international version niv the holy spirit comes at pentecost. Through the bible with les feldick lesson 2 part 4 book 17 explanation of acts 2. It was the day on which the holy spirit made a unique visit to the earth. Only those from rome are identified as visitors verse 10. And the lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Each book page may contain relevant audio, video, or verse by. Acts 2 indepth versebyverse commentary and bible study of acts chapter 2 in plain english. A good study bible we recommend the following features.
This is made certain by the grammatical connection between the first verse of this chapter and the last of the preceding. Next we prepare for the study of acts verse by verse, with an introduction and overview for the verse by verse exposition. We do not recommend loose translations or oneman translations. Acts of the apostles chapter two objectives in studying this chapter 1 to carefully consider the events surrounding the outpouring of the spirit on the day of pentecost 2 to examine peters first gospel sermon, and the evidence presented in it for the resurrection of jesus christ 3 to observe the response to the sermon, and what people. Commentary on the book of acts bible study lessons. This summary of the book of acts provides information about the title, authors, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and. Bible study quiz questions set 2 acts facts book of acts. Acts 2 niv the holy spirit comes at pentecost bible gateway. The book of acts also describes the work of the two apostles peter and paul. Acts 2 listen to kjv audio bible online bible study tools. This event is designated in the bible as the day of pentecost acts 2.
He appeared to them over a period of forty days and. Several of the quotes within the passage occur throughout the book of acts. An understandable version of acts translation by william e. This seminarylevel study also retains its depth and uses an engaging interactive format. Acts 2 nkjv coming of the holy spirit when the bible. The about a hundred and twenty disciples, including the apostles, among whom peter stood up acts 1. And when the day of pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
There are many other names used in scripture to describe and. Acts 2 new king james version nkjv coming of the holy spirit. The new world translation of the holy scriptures is published by jehovahs witnesses. Book of acts verse by verse bible study and indepth commentary of the acts of the apostles in plain english for everyone to understand. Peter is the human main character in the first 12 chapters, paul in the second part from chapter. Like almost all the sermons recorded in the bible, what we have is a. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Please take all courses in order as listed on our home page the computer will ask. The coming of the holy spirit was as much a part of the redemptive plan as was. Acts 25 indepth versebyverse commentary and bible study of acts chapter 25 in plain english.
In 30 ad, all of israel was gathered in jerusalem to celebrate this feast of. Acts 2 the holy spirit comes at pentecost bible gateway. Like almost all the sermons recorded in the bible, what we have is a holy spirit inspired abridgment of a longer message. Jews came to jerusalem from the far reaches of the roman empire to worship god for this oneday event. Study of acts 2 bible baptist church of ballincollig. Acts with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. Our story starts off where the gospel of luke left offjesus is back now that hes resurrected, jesus decides to hang out and chat with his disciples whom luke calls apostles for forty days.
The new testament christians have now been mobilized, and primed by the command of their captain, are only waiting for the signal that they have can commence the battle for souls as his ambassadors eph 6. Most can be obtained from a good religious bookstore. They were not merely visiting, but living in jerusalem verses 514. Acts 2, new international version niv the bible app.
A chapterbychapter bible study of the book of acts 10 acts 2 the day of pentecost in the old testament, our day of pentecost was called the feast of weeks, or the feast of harvest, or the day of first fruits. The essence of chapter 2 is the gift of the holy ghost to enable us as witnesses, yet many today deny its existence and power, it is the promise jesus made when he promised to pray the father for another to also give us power even miracles for witness and glory to gods power today in the church. Read and study acts 2 with the verse by verse bible commentary. It thrills our heart to know that folks are learning, and so many are writing and calling and telling us that for the first they are beginning to see the difference between god dealing with israel and the church. The acts of the apostles is the only narrative found in the new testament apart from the gospels, and it tells the compelling story of how the lord grew and guided the early church. Book of acts bible study lessons course a free online bible study lessons about the history of the early church with examples of conversion. Acts of the apostles verse by verse ministry international. Read and study acts 2 with the versebyverse bible commentary. Geneva study bible jamieson, fausset, brown matthew henry complete.
The presence and working of the holy spirit is the dominating mark of the book of acts. Acts 25 commentary acts chapter 25 commentary bible study. Acts chapter 2 explained discover the 66 books of the bible. As a second volume to lukes gospel, it joins what jesus began to do and to teach 1.
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